FENICE: Monaco-Dubai-Italy-Miami axis flies

Young Monegasque business intelligence, after one year of development, opens doors to investors to consolidate international luxury network

Fenice, the landmark of Monaco’s strategic business, materializes after its first year of development. Established in early 2022 as a gateway to Monaco’s business, it will reach full operation in 2023 by consolidating the Monaco-Dubai-Italy-Miami axis. Fenice – Principality of Monaco reaps the fruits of a year made of innovative transnational projects, public relations of the highest level, enhancement of its strategic communication devices. The goal is and remains the same: to be a unique place for all kinds of business. An incredible container of 360° activities able to centralize under one name all disciplines, techniques, departments and sectors to develop synergies and cutting-edge business solutions. An ambitious vision possible thanks to the consolidated heritage made up not only of know-how but also of numerous related brands and active partnerships. [Discover the previous article on FENICE to learn more about the company’s vision]

THE ECOSYSTEM OF SHOW MAKING: from Monaco to all over the world

From its founding to the present day, the global network on which the company is based, already composed of luxury multinationals, institutions, managers, tycoons, entrepreneurs, top brands, and intercontinental organizations, has further expanded. In this first year of development, FENICE has nurtured its brands and devices while succeeding in achieving great results. Establishing a real “ecosystem” capable of generating show, translatable above all into planetary notoriety, relational value and business synergies. Perfect example of this, the various projects developed with different production companies, which have made the brands in the orbit of FENICE protagonists in the web series of the main streaming platforms, such as NETFLIX and AMAZON PRIME.
The strength and uniqueness of FENICE is also this: to be able to project directly in front of a large global audience the most exciting stories of the men, women, brands (and animals n.d.r.) it crosses along its path. This is also the perspective to which the company looks, which has already laid important foundations in the business axis between the Monegasque principality, Italy, the United States, Latin America, the United Arab Emirates and Middle Eastern countries.

FENICE embodies the great responsibility of contributing to the entrepreneurial future of the Principality of Monaco, opening a new strand of opportunities for even the most demanding investors.

FIRE UP YOUR BUSINESS! www.feniceholding.net contact[at]feniceholding.net
What if lockdown comes back?

What if the Lockdown came back? Imagine how many businesses would still be left standing?

The long shadow of the economic crisis that began in 2020, yet there are those who pretend nothing is happening

Just imagine if the Lockdown returned tomorrow morning. No jobs, closed businesses, no turnover. Just imagine how many businesses would still be willing to hang on and stand. Putting in lost funds again. I think none. They have all already forgotten what happened. We will come out better they said…. More than 390,000 businesses closed permanently in 2020 due to Covid and collapse of consumption. Over 43,000 small business closed in 2022. By the first half of 2023, 120,000 businesses could close. That was the estimate contained by the Confcommercio study office in the September Economic Outlook. 1 in 3 businesses are at risk of closure by the end of the year. Along the same lines, OECD data (also released in September 2022), world growth is expected to slow further in 2023 while inflation is expected to gradually ease.


Yet, incredibly, many are acting as if nothing is wrong. Forgetting that so many companies have not yet recovered from the 2020 annus horribilis. The Italian economy was brought to its knees by Covid and is now crippled by inflation, the energy and commodity crisis. Nevertheless, many figures at various levels act as if nothing has happened, as if we live in a new golden age where money is given to you. A fairy world where you work for free or where for two cases of wine I’ll put your product in a Netflix webseries [Check out the article where I talked about win-win partnerships]. A land of Cuccagna where we are all better and more generous where we bestow skills and time for free. And most importantly strictly meeting any deadline demands, right on cue! One really wonders what kind of world certain individuals think they live in. It just seems like a collective amnesia that does not take into account how the pandemic period has greatly damaged the economy and the social-psychological fabric. Taking the survival of businesses almost for granted. Stefano Cigana