Helicopters and locations: new luxury tourism


MonacAir is the new official partner of Venetia Communication: a great team effort to redesign the flight experiences between the Principality of Monaco and Italy.

When all over the world, day after day, international events of any kind were canceled, Bull Days Montecarlo began. We can now say that the first event of the new world has proved to be an incredible driving force for business synergies between Italy and the Principality of Monaco. This is where the idea of ​​developing a real Montecarlo-Italy luxury line was born, involving several important brands on several levels. Helicopters and unique locations for the new luxury tourism.

The Principality of Monaco has 100% embraced our business model. 5 years of incredibly intense work, but which today gratify every sleepless night spent thinking of not making it. Redesigning the communication of a city based on a global model of interaction between major brands and prestigious offers. The aim? Generating a strong sense of belonging, with the consequent happiness of the consumer. Bull Days was the experimental laboratory on which I built the model. And the resulting results amply demonstrate my thesis. The world needs creativity. The new Renaissance is the common goal.

Helicopters and locations: the new luxury tourism

It is no coincidence that after the Monegasque event we caught the attention of many prestigious brands. One of these is MonacAir, which has now become our new official partner for the development of new and exclusive helicopter flight experiences between the Principality of Monaco and Italy.

The strategic communication project starts from the need to elevate and communicate a brand through numerous and authoritative co-branding operations. A unique and exclusive experience capable of uniting different territories and opening the doors to future collaborations. A helicopter ride is the ideal time to let go of your thoughts and worries on the ground and enjoy the view from the sky, the perfect opportunity to see everything from another point of view. The Montecarlo-Italy line also becomes a great tourist novelty reserved for those who want to visit and discover the charm of the Principality of Monaco and the most beautiful Italian regions.

The key of the business model

From all this it emerges that going beyond a single-company vision is essential to constantly develop one’s business and make an ever-wider reference target happy. One of the keys to success of this business model is precisely that of starting from a “mother” brand to establish a vast horizontal network capable of reaching more companies, markets, territories and people.


Stefano Cigana